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Our Story

I started doing Nosework in 2012, when I realized Kotah's reactivity would make agility and obedience awfully hard, if not impossible. So I signed up for this class. Didn’t really know what it was about, but reactive dogs were welcome and ran one at a time. I never intended to trial, and then I thought, maybe we just do our ORTs, maybe try to get in a local trial.


Fast forward 7 years, 25 trials, 1000 plus points, and thousands and thousands of miles. Dreams do come true if you work hard and you believe in the possibilities. I was blessed with this amazing dog who loves this game, and we have had so many people help and encourage and love us along the way. So glad so many of them were there with us today!


Because of Kotah, I wanted to share my love of the sport with those that might have a reactive dog, a dog that doesn't have a lot of confidence, or maybe just someone who wants to do something fun with their dog, that all dogs are really good at... SNIFFING!

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